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If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, email us at 

We will contact you regarding details. 

CPC - First Place Trophy

Platinum Sponsors

At the Platinum level ($5,000), your logo will be printed on the top tier of our SWAG and prominently placed on all our social media sites and reels with links to your website. In addition, your logo will be printed on a banner that will be displayed throughout the racing season, including during the international competition. 

Gold Sponsors

At the Gold level ($2,500) your logo will be printed on our SWAG, placed on all our social media sites and reels with links to your website. In addition, your logo will be printed on a banner that will be displayed throughout the racing season, including during the international competition. 


Silver Sponsors

At the Silver level ($1,000) your name will appear using your desired font or logo icon on our social media posts with a link to your website.

Bronze Sponsors

At the Bronze level ($500) your name will appear using your desired font on our social media posts.



If you are interested in making a contribution of any amount, with great appreciation we accept checks, PayPal, and Venmo transfers.
Your donations will be tax deductable. 


To Pay By Check:

Make the check out to Charleston Paddle Club and mail to::
Charleston Paddle Club
1226 Gilmore Rd.
Charleston, SC 29407


To Pay by Venmo:

Use your Venmo mobile app to send money
to @Charleston-Paddle.

Or scan the code.


To Pay By PayPal (or credit card)

If you have a PayPal account, scan the code.or send to​ 


If you would like a receipt:

 Email us at
 and ask for an email invoice.

CPC Venmo.png
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