Charleston Paddle Club Fees
Yearly Membership Fee ($300​​): This membership fee provides you access to all events and approved use of our equipment throughout the season. As a member-supported organization, this fee provides us the funding needed to maintain our equipment and handle the business of the club. The membership year runs March through February.
If you join later in the year, we have pro-rated club fees as follows:​
$225 - July 1 to December 31
$175 - September 1 to December 31
Per Race Entry Fee (varies): Fees are set by the event organizer. For team events, the race team will share the cost collectively.
To Pay By Check:
Make the check out to Charleston Paddle Club and bring to practice to give to one of the coaches or officers. If you'd like to mail in the check, contact us at charlestonpaddleclub@gmail.com and we'll send you our mailing address.
To Pay By Credit/Debit Card:
Click here or email us at charlestonpaddleclub@gmail.com and ask for an email invoice.
To Pay By Zelle:
Send it to charlestonpaddleclub@gmail.com